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Junior Golf Tournaments

Welcome to the Future Champions Golf Tour!
The FCG Tour features 5 levels of junior golf tournaments catering to every level of junior golfer. We also have a Collegiate Series that features special events for players ages 16-23. Click here to learn about each series of events and where to get started.

  • We host 120 + Tournament Annually Across the USA
  • 40 + International Events Hosted by Partners
  • We provide Maximum Exposure to College Coaches Weekly

The FCG Tour has quickly become one of the leading junior golf tours in the world now offering over 125 annual events including 4 of the largest junior golf championships worldwide.

The first half of every year now is a build up to the FCG Callaway World Championship and the second half of the year is a build up to the FCG National Championship.

The FCG International Junior Golf Championship has produced a ton of PGA and LPGA Tour players and in 2013 was featured on Fox Sports in 86 Million Homes. Our tour is proudly sponsored by Callaway Golf and several other tournament partners.

About the FCG Tour: 

  • The FCG Tour is open to all junior golfers and membership is not a requirement to participate. Members do receive special benefits and significant discounts on tournament registration. How to get started guide
  • The FCG Tour aims to Empower our Youth through Golf by providing the right events for each level of junior golfer.
    Read about the FCG Difference and how we are different from other junior golf programs.
  • We aim to make the experience your absolute favorite Tour to play on. Watch Video
  • We aim to provide the most value for your entry fee and we have aligned with some of the best companies in the game.
  • We aim to be the most strategic offering of tournaments to help get you to the Collegiate Level and get you exposed to College Coaches. Our events attract more College Coaches than most other junior golf tours.  The FCG National Championship, FCG International, and FCG Callaway World Championship had over 100 US College Golf Coaches in attendance in 2023.
  • We also aim to provide lifelong family memories through our World Series Events and annual special events. Testimonial Video
  • We host 6 annual qualifying events for the IMG Academy Junior World Championship. We also have a tremendous amount of AJGA Stars at our FCG National and World Series Tournaments.  All 2-Day events are ranked by Junior Golf Scoreboard.  More than 10 events are ranked by Golfweek.  All 3-Day events are included in the World Amateur Rankings.
  • FCG World Rankings now featuring annual awards with Callaway staff professionals:  Michelle Wie, Xander Schauffele, Morgan Pressel, and Aaron Wise.

Registration is now open for the “Largest Open Event in Junior Golf”  and already almost 250 junior golfers from around the world are registered to compete.  Sign up to play here.


Qualify or apply to play in our Annual FCG Callaway World Championship at Championship Golf Courses.

national homepage

Join us at the FCG National Championship, formerly known as the San Diego Junior Amateur.  This event annually features 550 players ages 4-18 and is contested over the winter break in San Diego, CA. Several past champions are now playing on the PGA and LPGA Tours.  This is an amazing event and has attracted as many as 40 US College Coaches.

Tour Sponsors:


18Greens Stance Epson Blast Arccos

FCG has developed The BEST System in Junior Golf for Short and Long Term Development

Start Playing the FCG Tour Today!  
Events for players ages 4-18 with 3 skill specific tours and our featured annual World Series Events!

Antrone and Chris,

I just wanted to let you know that my son Ricky has just committed to the University of Florida. He also went on recruiting trips to USC, UNLV, and ASU. It ultimately came down to Florida and USC.

I just want to thank you for the FCG tour in which Ricky has played since he was 6 years old. It has always been a favorite of his and was integral in his development as a person as well as a golfer. Not only were the tournaments highly competitive, he learned lessons of integrity, respectfulness, and commitment.

I thank you for all the hard work that you have put into your tour. Your tour is a big reason Ricky had the opportunity to choose from such prestigious colleges. Thank you and we will see you in future events.

Sincerely, Mark Castillo



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