1/1: 17th Year of Future Champions Golf Starts Today! Happy New Year to All!
Did you know our very first junior golf tournament had 7 players? Now our largest one had 650 players
Did you know our first Multi-Day event was a complete disaster? We had 120 players in our first event and it was held in December 2007 at Carlton Oaks Golf Course. We had frost day 1 and not everyone finished their round, pace of play was slow. Then on Day 2 we had a ton of rain making it miserable for players. It was a terrible event but we learned from it and have done the same analysis after every event we host always trying to make each and every one better for everyone involved.
Did you know the FCG International Junior Golf Championship was televised in 2015 on Fox Sports? Here is a preview video of that year’s event on the Emmy Award Winning Show – Playing Through with John Weisbarth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtpuc8YtS78
What’s New for 2020?
- A Whole Lot of New Sponsors and Excitement Coming!
- New Tournaments
- New Regions
- New Countries
- Watch Online and In Social Media as We Continue to Roll Out New and Established Programming
What you need to know right now:
- Spring/ Summer Schedule is Now Posted
- FCG Callaway World Championship expands to 700 players from 40 Countries (Over 120 Qualifying Events around the World)
- FCG International Junior Golf Championship will be played June 29-July 3, 2020 and is the largest OPEN EVENT in Junior Golf
- Fall Schedule will be released in May
We look forward to another record breaking year of growth for the players and families involved in our program.
What does growth look like to us?
- More success for our players
- Better relationships built between everyone involved (Players, Parents, Fans)
- More players reaching their goals of playing college golf at the school they want
- More kids getting started in the game and develop their love for the game
If you have any questions or need anything from us please do not hesitate to email us at info@futurechampionsgolf.com or call 844-324-2377.