Short Game Work – Make sure you have a shag bag for your short game practice… In a perfect world you collect a bunch of the same ball you play your tournaments with.,.. they can be beat up and used but make them the same. As you get better your feel increases and you can feel the difference between different balls off the putter face and on pitches and chips. This is key if you are trying to be elite player.
When I was 16 and 17 years old I used to take my shag bag and travel to different courses to practice short game and I would do this for several hours at a time. Usually would be on weekend mornings from 7am-12pm and I used to go to Oaks North, Bernardo Heights, Mt. Woodson, and even drive all the way to Sycuan. It is good to practice on different conditions, grasses, small greens, large greens, etc. The harder you work the LUCKIER you get!
Work Hard Kids!
Chris Smeal is the founder of Future Champions Golf and coaches juniors, college players, and adults at his Academy at Stadium Golf Center in San Diego, CA. Website
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