Goals: Prepare Junior Golfers for Tournament Competition by Coaching and Teaching them the Proper Ways to Practice.
- This is 90% Training Program and 10% Coaching. Each Session will be filled with Drill Stations designed or adopted by Top 25 Elite Junior Coach in the USA: Chris Smeal.
- FCG Certified Coach Taft Spain will work with all students during the program teaching them how to do the Drills and How this will translate to better scoring and more consistency.
Schedule of Training Sessions:
Wednesdays: 5:30-7:30pm
Thursdays: 430-6:30pm
$150 Month for 4 Sessions (Once a Week)
$250 Month for up to 8 Sessions (Twice a Week)
$40 Drop In Per Session if Not On Monthly or Want to Try the Program
Register by Calling the Academy at 844-324-2377