Players Full Name: Jaden Adam Milne
Graduation Year: 2018
Gender: Male
High School you attend: Pine View
Players Height: 6’3″
Players Weight: 170
Country you live in: USA
GPA: 4.0
Personal Statement:
I never lose, I either win or I learn. – Nelson Mandela
I am hoping to get the opportunity to continue playing in college, and look forward to being able to progress and grow as a player and as a person.
Tournament Resume: (List up to your Ten Best Tournaments within the past two years)
Ledges Golf Course (High School Tournament 1st place) -3
Sky Mountain (High School Tournament 1st place) -5
Sun River (High School Tournament 2nd place) -1
Red Hills AM (Two day) +5, -2, total +3
Cedar Ridge (High School Tournament 1st place) -3
Spanish Oaks (High School Tournament 1st place) -1
Hill Air Force Base (UJGA Tournament 4th place) +2
National Tour Vegas Championship (FCG 4th Place) +2, +1
Upcoming Tournament Schedule:
St George Am – January 19-20
FCG – Texas World Series February 24-25
March 24th: UJGA Winter Classic Southgate
April 14: UJGA Spring Jr. Sun River (FCG International Qualifying)
April 28: UGA Utah State Amateur Qualifying
List Two References: (Swing Coach, Mentor, High School Coach, Other)
Ron Ellison ~ Swing Coach (435) 619-0525
Colby Cowan ~ Mentor and Head of Southern Utah Golf & Jr Golf (435) 669-2332