Full Name:
Mariana Garcia Rosette
Graduation Year:
High School you attend:
Mater Dei Catholic High School
Players Height:
Players Weight:
119 lbs.
Country you live in:
Personal Statement:
My name is Mariana Garcia Rosette, I’m a Mexican golfer who decided to study in the U.S. to improve and achieve success in the game of golf. As a sixteen year old, I consider myself a determined leader, who enjoys public speaking, as well as helping others. Serving the community is an action I respect and truly admirer.
As I also admire traveling and the world of business. Tourism is unique because it creates bridges between different cultures, as I wish to do in the future.
I truly believe the keys to success are patience and determination, but only if there’s happiness and love involved in the process. As of today, I’m an incoming junior, with great courage and desire to do my best, not only in school and golf, but in life. I am a girl with a vision board, a student with a goal and a golfer with a dream. A dream of success and happiness; where I see myself living the life, only as a true golfer would want to: enjoying the game, traveling the world, and playing at a professional level, while making a change and inspiring others to do the same.
Tournament Resume:
Jun 16-17, 2018. FCG National Tour Spring Championship
Apr 14-15, 2018. FCG Las Vegas World Series Championship
Mar 11, 2018. FCG KBS Tour 1-Day Series
Jul 2-3, 2017. 10TH Annual FCG International
Jun 3-4, 2017. FCG National Tour Spring Finale (Major)
Upcoming Tournament Schedule:
Jul 1-3. 11th Annual FCG International
Jul 16-18. FCG Callaway World Championship
Aug 11-12. FCG Four Ball Team Championship
Sep 1-2. FCG National Tour Labor Day Championship
List Two References:
Lori Brock – Swing Coach
Alejandro Valenzuela – High School Coach
Swing Videos:
I am interested in learning more about Mariana Rosette and would like to see some tournament scores from her. Harding has a very competitive D2 women’s golf program with great facilities and an elite academic university.