Players Full Name: Sean Breen
Graduation Year: 2018
Gender: Male
High School you attend: Great Oak High School
Players Height: 6’1”
Players Weight: 175
Country you live in: USA
GPA: 3.1
Personal Statement: I am 17 years old and I’m a junior at Great Oak High School in Temecula, California. I have been golfing since the age of 11 and I began playing in tournaments at the age of 12. My goal is to play at a college that will improve all aspects of my golf game and obtain a bachelor’s degree. After college my goal is to play on the PGA tour. I know with hard work and determination you can accomplish anything you set your mind to.
I am confident any collegiate golf coach will be proud to have me represent their university and their team. I have a positive attitude on the golf course and am a positive influence on my teammates and peers on and off the course. I am a team leader and try to lead by example. I am self-motivated, self-disciplined and enjoy the challenge of playing with more experienced players. I’m very coachable and strive to be one of the hardest working recruits you will find. I am willing to go above and beyond what it takes to play golf at the collegiate level
.**Swing Videos –
(My swing video can be found at this website.)
Tournament Resume: (List up to your Ten Best Tournaments within the past two years)
- 19-20, 2016 FCG National Tour Vegas Classic Place 1/12 69-72 -141
- 30-May 1, 2016 FCG National Tour Temecula Championship Place 1/14 75-70-145
- 5-6, 2015 FCG National Tour Fall Opener – The Vineyard Place T5/42 73-70-143
- 1-2, 2016 FCG National San Diego City Classic Place 7/39 73-75 148
- 22-23, 2015 FCG National Tour Fall Opener -Temecula Place 4/21 78-71-149
- 20-21, 2016 FCG National Tour Fall Series Opener Place 5/20 70-82-152
- 22-23, 2016 FCG National Tour Escondido Championship Place 12/27 79/71-150
- 12-13, 2016 FCG National Tour Veterans Day Championship Place T18/45 76-76-152
- 10-11, 2016 FCG National Tour Fall OC Classic Place 3/13 77-78-155
- Jun. 30-July1, 2016 FCG World Series Event – 3rd Annual FCG Challenge Cup Place T19/44 75-82-157
Upcoming Tournament Schedule:
- Aaron Baddeley Inernational Dec. 3-7, 2016
- 10TH Annual FCG National Championship Dec. 28-30, 2017
- National Tour Spring Series Opener Jan.14-15, 2017
- National Tour Palm Springs Classic Feb. 11 -12, 2017
- World Series – FCG Western States Feb. 18-20, 2017
- National Tour Valley Open March 18-19, 2017
- FCG Callaway World Championship July 17-19, 2017
List References: (Swing Coach, Mentor, High School Coach, Other)
- Steve Adamiak Email: Relationship: swing coach