Something to consider… Check out the Upcoming Course on the FCG Tour and see how playing these courses in Big Time Competition is GOOD for YOUR FUTURE! We are FCG!
April 1-2: ASU Karsten GC – Home of the ASU Golf Teams
April 15-16: Primm Valley GC (Home of Several Annual College Golf Tournaments – Men/ Women)
May 13-14: Redhawk – Home to US Open Qualifying and other Qualifiers
May 27-28: PGA West Greg Norman (Home of the Annual Prestige Collegiate Mens Championship)
July 2-4: Carlton Oaks GC (Last week’s host of PGA Tour Canada Q-School, several US Open Qualfiers, and NCAA’s)
July 17-19: Mission Hills Dinah Shore (Annual Home for LPGA Q School and next week’s 1st LPGA Major – ANA Inspiration) also Classic Club (Boys 15-18) former host of the PGA Tour Bob Hope Classic