How do I become a member of Future Champions Golf (FCG)?
Becoming a member of the FCG Tour is very easy. You can click this link and enter your information to become a member for the calendar year.
Do I need to be a member of FCG to play a junior golf tournament? You do not need to be a member to play in a FCG Tour event. Members have a priority registration window of 8 weeks prior to event start dates. Members also receive a discount on most tournaments.
Can FCG help me get a scholarship? Yes, FCG Tour has helped 1’000’s of players earn college golf scholarships through our Tournament Platform and working with our coaches.
How old do you have to be to join FCG? 4 years old is the minimum age to play in the FCG Tour Kids Series. You can play in our tournaments up through the age of 23 via our Collegiate Series. For the junior tournaments players can be age 19 as long as they haven’t started college in the Fall. So your summer after completing high school you can still compete.
Can FCG help me with my short game? Yes, we have coaching programs available at Stadium Golf Center in San Diego, CA with our founder – Chris Smeal, PGA
Does FCG offer playing lessons? Yes, please contact Chris Smeal at
How many tournaments do you recommend I play per year to get my game ready? All players are different and there are times of the year to play more than others.
Who founded FCG? Chris Smeal is the Founder of FCG. He started the program in January 2004 as an Instruction only program. With early success helping kids love the game he saw a need for newer and more exciting junior golf tournaments so in Fall 2007 the FCG Tour was born.
Can FCG help me qualify for Junior World? Yes, we have 7 tournaments a year that are qualifiers for IMG Junior World.
Do my parents need to stay with me during tournaments or can they just drop me off? They can just drop off for the tournaments if they are at an age you feel is appropriate to let them be on their own. For the younger divisions we recommend you follow along.
What are the benefits of joining FCG? We want to help your kids love the game and grow up in the best environment possible. View our Membership page for more information.