Meet Kian, a 12 yr-old “serial” golfer from Westchester County, New York. This young golfer has demonstrated how he utilized his incredible passion and platform for golf to help other children, no matter what the circumstances are. The laser focused youth golfer has overcome his own life-threatening challenges.
At age 11, March 2022 Kian had unexpected life saving open heart – surgery to fix an aneurysm on his heart. This ended all contact sports for the young boy, including lacrosse which is a big sport where he is from that all his friends play. Then just a few months later, another serious life challenge, he came down with Type 1 Diabetes. He currently uses a daily insulin pump and transmitter to constantly monitor his blood sugar 24 hours a day. Kian has turned to golf as his outlet and is determined to use his platform to help other kids that are battling cancer and other difficult health conditions.
His performance on the course has been extremely enjoyable, gratifying, and challenging according to him: Bethpage 67-1st place, Reddings Country Club 71-1st place, Quaker Hill Country club 73-1st place, Mohansic Golf Club 74-1st place, Beekman 77 & 77-1st place. Also included in this summer was 4-2nd place finishes and 8 top tens.
More impressive than any 1st place finish, is his ability to inspire others whether on the golf range or just having a normal 12 year old chat.
“ Golf has given me the opportunity to forget my issues that I deal with 24 hours a day. When I am at the range or out on the course, I get to be a 12 year old kid and try to forget about all my daily challenges and have fun. I think every child that is battling cancer needs an outlet, I happen to be extremely passionate about golf, and it has been a blessing in disguise for me in a lot of different ways. I am determined to take any child fighting cancer and give them an opportunity to come to the driving range or on the course to have some fun with me. I want to give any child fighting cancer the opportunity to play the greatest sport-GOLF. We all need to forget about life’s challenges and have fun.”
While everybody is born with a “Heart”, not everyone uses it to improve the quality-of- life for children battling cancer and life’s issues. The 12 year-old from Westchester, NY with a special “New Heart” has demonstrated you can make a difference! Kian proves there is a “NEDvocate” in everybody no matter what your age.
There is a “NEDvocate” in everyone, you just need open up your Heart, support others and have fun, like Kian does!